2024-12-19 - Echoes of Defiance
1. Nidaros Desecration - To Bring Annihilation 2. Nidaros Desecration - Hordes of Mars 3. Nidaros Desecration - A Dual Antagonism 4. Pheretrum - Murkurul 5. Pheretrum - Abstract Torments* 6. Pheretrum - Nature Ecstasy 7. Pheretrum - Nitro (Dick Dale cover) Once more Alkolik Holocaust Records supporting our wrongdoings in the underground realms. These tracks were part of a Pheretrum's EP that ended up being splitted in half. Vik does vocals in *.
2024-04-20 - Pheretrum EP
1. Sons of Death 2. Fontenay aux Roses 3. Slaughterhouse* 4. Ugliest forms of Life* Released on tape by Extreme Resurrection Records on 66 hand-numbered copies. The tracklist is wrong on the artwork, "Slaughterhouse" track is the third one, "Ugliest forms of life" is the last one as shown on this site. On * , drums were recorded by federico.
2023-04-01 - Inwards Lunacy / No Human Heritage
1. Vomit Hatred 2. Decadence 3. Seasons of Death 4. Termination 6. Space Madness 7. Inwards Lunacy 8. De-Speciesism 9. The Seed: Utter Wrath 10. Raped Nature Alokolik Holocaust Records once again supporting our works.
2022-07-29 - No Human Heritage EP
1. Space Madness 2. Inwards Lunacy 3. De-Speciesism 4. The Seed: Utter Wrath 5. Raped Nature Bonus: 6. Escena Censurada* *Our first track written in Spanish. Dedicated to those betrayers and hypocrites in the so-called local scene, you deserve nothing more than a violent termination. Released by Goat Vomit Productions, 100 tapes.
2020-01-01 - Pheretrum
1. Vomit Hatred - EP 2019 2. Decadence - EP 2019 3. Seasons of Death - EP 2019 4. Termination - EP 2019 5. Schizophreniac - LP 2017 6. From Oblivion to the Void - LP 2017 7. Alienated Demons - LP 2017 8. Unconscious Suicide - LP 2017 9. Terror Reigns - LP 2017 10. Death Metal to the Grave - LP 2017 11. Betrayers of Occult Wisdom - LP 2015 12. Sentenced until dying out - LP 2015 13. Destruction - LP 2015 14. No trace of Sanity - LP 2015 15. Forever Chaos - EP 2013 16. The Path to your Pheretrum - EP 2013 Bonus tracks: 17. Space Madness - Rehearsal 10.11.2018 18. Lunacy Inwards - Rehearsal 22.12.2018 19. Decespecism - Rehearsal 31.12.2018 20. The Seed: Utter Wrath - Rehearsal 19.01.2019 21. Escena Censurada - Rehearsal 04.05.2019 This is a PROMO compilation released in CDR in recycled paper. Is mainly for distros and gig organizers outside Uruguay. DO NOT PAY FOR THIS CDR
2019-06-20 - Live Alienation
1. Schizophreniac 2. From Oblivion to the Void 3. Emerging from Waste 4. Death Metal to the Grave* 5. Alienated Demons 6. Unconscious Suicide 7. Disgusting Ignorance 8. Terror Reigns This live recording is the complete set of the BJ show we did together with Angkor Vat, yes, the one for the 7" split. This was supposed to be released by a North American Label named Bleek Recordings, all was ready for the CD but suddenly the guy stopped replying our messages and put the music without our consent on its soundcloud profile. It was quite weird so we assumed it was not going to be done. The artwork was a Photography taken by Claudio from Locuras Records, he asked us if in the end that was going to be out or not, we said it was not going to happen. After few weeks Despreciable Realidad and Locuras Recs write to us offering this stuff, we were happy to be working with them again and they did it even better. It was released in 50 copies on tape format. Live recordings are something not everyone is on but is has to be part of a band discography!
2019-04-19 - Inwards Lunacy EP
SIDE A: 1. Vomit Hatred 2. Decadence SIDE B: 3. Seasons of Death 4. Termination This EP started from scratch, some tracks were already composed after we finished Alienated Demons LP. Shaxul from Legion of Death Recs got in touch to trade tapes and CDs of our previous album and then he offered to do this EP. We had two tracks and after this offer we immediately finished some vague ideas we had for other two tracks which concluded this. It was a fantastic recording session because we could focus all our ideas into just four tracks so every fukin detail was taken into account. Besides Victor Rueda from Graf Spee (probably the best band in the whole fukin world) agreed on doing vocals for the track Termination, which for ourselves it was killer! Also Andrea from our great friends Pandemonium, did vocals on Decadence track, this happened because vik was not able to record by herself due to personal matters and we did not know what to do... then we thought of her because of her great skills at her own project and you know how it ended! This is EP is by far the best we have achieved up to this point, the band feels solid, the ideas were perfectly immortalized and Legion of Death Records work quality was beyond our expectations. We even enjoyed that much this EP that probably we are never going to record another LP again haha! It was released on 7" format in 300 handnumbered copies.
2018-06-10 - Beyond the borders of Sanity
Side A - Pheretrum 1. Schizophreniac 2. From Oblivion to the Void 3. Alienated Demons 4. Death Metal to the Grave Side B - Ectoplasma 5. Slain Meat for Beast 6. Skeletal Lifeforms 7. Awakened in Coffin This was Escafismo's Records proposal long before the Alienated Demons LP got done. When Edin saw us live he immediately told us about it, then he mention that a split with Ectoplasma from Greece would be great for us to be known out there (indeed it was!) Pheretrum tracks were taken from a rehearsal pre-Alienated Demons album in order to have something different to spread, but we did not know that Ectoplasma's EP quality was going to be that amazing, we ended up feeling embarrassed Ha ha! This recordings are from 18.06.2017 at Sala Mystic, Solymar, Canelones.
2018-05-19 - A new beginning... The blackshit of Uruguayan depths
SIDE A: 1. Angkor Vat - Endless Nightmare SIDE B: 2. Pheretrum - Alienated Demons Our first split single on 7". This was a co-production among three labels from Argentina; Despreciable Realidad, Locuras Recs., SHP and our label Extreme Resurrection Records. As we arranged some gigs with the cult act Angkor Vat, and some of those labels came to Uruguay to see them live, this idea pop out of Claudio's head from Locuras Recs. and was great to work with them! It was recorded live at BJ, Montevideo, Uruguay, 08.12.2017 and mastered by Extreme Resurrection Recs with a huge stupid error, the side with Pheretrum is at higher volume. 100 copies were released on 7", including insert with lyrics.
2017-10-28 - Alienated Demons
1. Schizophreniac 2. From Oblivion to the Void 3. Emerging from Waste 4. Alienated Demons 5. Unconscious Suicide 6. Disgusting Ignorance 7. Terror Reigns 8. Death Metal to the Grave This is our second LP, in fact, the first one properly done. Drums were recorded in Solymar, Canelones at Sala Mystic, the rest of the stuff at Bruno's living room, we experimented with mics and our own amps to see what we could do... the result blew our mind! Bruno became part of the band immediately, Joe Red started as a session drummer but as far as he started composing for us, he became part of the line-up. Except "Unconscious Suicide" track, the rest was composed in parallel to "Still Being Maggots" LP as one can appreciate reading the tracklist of the promo rehearsal tape. Bruno and Federico run extreme resurrection records, a local underground distro/label/fanzine, so it was imminent to release this because we were pretty satisfied with the results, it was the best recording experience we had after the Schizophrenic Death Demo. It was pretty funny, and ideas were just the right ones and each of us were convinced on that this LP had to be the best we could do. We spreaded letters to different labels and distros around the globe, we had some offers from two or three labels and we finally decided that the japanese label Deathrash Armageddon was the right choice. 50 handnumbered copies were released under our label with a sheet of lyrics and info, and the first 25 copies included a poster of the artwork done by the allmighty Emiliano Montiel (Deforme). To our surpise, it got sold out in a week! Deathrash Armageddon released 1000 copies on pro CD, this version includes an intro and outro that were not part of the tape. If this project is unknown to you, we think this is a good starting point because we knew exactly what we wanted to do after almost 8 years of struggling in the underground.
2017-06-03 - Invasión Metálica en Shangrilá II
Keeping the same visions we had when we did the first one, we invited only bands that are no fukin rokstars shitheads. Another step to consolidate our underground feeling. Except from Deforme, none of the bands were from the capital city, the aim was to show that lazy fuks are not here. People from different parts of our country showed up and that was terrific. Besides not being listed on the flyer, Angkor Vat also played here after almost 10 years. They open the gig and ask us not to put the logo. It was filmed and edited by Extreme Resurrection records, released on DVDR 50 copies.
2016-12-01 - Invasión Metálica en Shangrilá I
Here our activism in the underground kept more tangible, we started arranging gigs at our neighborhood with bands we thought we could count on. This was hell of a gig! Lots of beer, music and people, small place, there were almost 60 people, that for this was huge, because gigs at different places from the capital city are not so attended. It was filmed and edited by Extreme Resurrection Records and released on DVDR in 50 copies.
2016-08-06 - Rehearsal 06.08.2016
1. Schizophreniac 2. From Oblivion to the Void 3. Alienated Demons 4. Emerging from Waste 5. Antitheist It took us a year to release this shit... the band was in the middle of the final separation and as soon as the other members step aside, and getting a new drummer was going to be a huge odyssey, we thought that releasing this was going to be a good opportunity to show off what was going to be in our future LP whenever the heck it gets out. Luckily the drummer appeared faster than expected with a bunch of tracks already prepared so after three months of zero activities with pheretrum, we were on the attack again! It was released on tape format as a promo advance for the LP, only distributed freely to friends and some labels/fanzines and in the end almost 80 copies were done. It was an improvised recording of a rehearsal with the original lineup.
2016-06-11 - Extreme Metal Lives
1. Rupture 2. Forever Chaos 3. The Path to Your Pheretrum 4. No Trace of Sanity 5. Destruction 6. Mass Acceptance 7. Death Metal to the Grave 8. I Want to Know (Angkor Vat cover) This was the complete set of a live show at BJ Sala, Montevideo, Uruguay 05.12.14. It was recorded with multiple cams by ValvularTV and edited by ourselves. It comes with lots of extras, lots of homade shots at rehearsal rooms since the very beginning of the band, several live shots, professional photo session at AFE in early 2015 and "Death Metal to the Grave" videoclip. Videoclip filmed & directed by "Vertov".
2015-11-07 - Still being Maggots
1. No Trace of Sanity 2. Destruction 3. Mass Acceptance 4. Death Metal to the Grave 5. The Path to your Pheretrum 6. Terror Reigns 7. Sentenced Until Dying Out 8. Betrayers of Occult Wisdom 9. War 10. Forever Chaos 11. Rupture This was our first LP. Here we realised we needed to have our minds focused on the same visions, that did not happen so the result is not what we were looking for. It was released by ourselves in CDR with pro covers and serigraphied CDs, it looked really nice! 200 copies were done, most of the artworks were corrected with a black line to hide that Junacho Rodriguez did all the mastering process, that did not happen, we intended to do everything with him again, as we were really satisfied with his compromise with the band during the single recording sessions, but three recording sessions were disposed off and that was enough to finally stop wasting his time, we decided not to record anything. Here Bruno Pastorelli steps in, he offered himself to record everything again claiming that this album had to be done for once and for all. So we fukin did it. This was the beginning of the end, we split up few months after the release, vik and federico kept busy with Schizophrenic Death (side-project) and federico also joined forces with Bruno's Nuclear Hell project. This was also the beginning of this maniacal trio of deathrashing madness.
2013-11-01 - From the Underworlds EP
1. The Path to your Pheretrum 2. Forever Chaos This EP was recorded at Sala Master in two days. First we recorded drums and the next day the rest. It was recorded,mixed and mastered by Daniel Carreras. The idea of this register lies on Carlos Cortéz of SHP (Arg) who knew us at our first gig in Buenos Aires, Argentina where he offers a tape release, 150 hand-numbered copies were released, which made the moniker of the band known abroad in the rest of America and Europe. Thanks to the great underground work of the label, the path was being revealed for us.
2011-03-23 - Sentenced Until Dying Out Single
1. Sentenced Until Dying Out This was a Single track recorded at Juancho Rodriguez's place, we made the mistake of working with digital drum samples, we tried to release something with better audio quality but we failed miserably. Also released on CDR for free with homemade boxes.
2010-07-19 - Rehearsal Demo
1. Intro 2. Sentenced Until Dying Out 3. Rupture 4. War 5. No Trace of Sanity 6. The Path to your Pheretrum 7. Sold Baptism (Morgoth (Ger) Cover) 8. Dawn of Eternity (Massacre (US) Cover) 9. Slowly We Rot (Obituary (US) Cover) It was a rehearsal recorded at "Sala Walrus" in Montevideo. No post-production, just an air-mic to record what we were doing. It was released on CDR for free to let people know what was this project all about. The Artwork is a photography of "Tren Fantasma" at Parque Rodó, Montevideo.